New Delhi

Portal House, Delhi, by UnBox Design

Portal House, Delhi, by UnBox Design

Portal House, Delhi, by UnBox Design, is designed to accommodate three families on four floors: two of them are single-level apartments and one is a duplex, opens front to a primary approach road, looking over a single, full-grown tree and the only opportunity for views, while the back provides filtered views of a small community park.

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Harappa, Delhi, by common Ground practice

common Ground practice designed the interiors for two Delhi-based offices of Harappa- an online learning institution. The design of the project, recalls the technologically advanced Harappan Civilization known for its world-class planning and efficiency and an extraordinary level of mass standardization.

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Mirambika School by SHiFt Studios, Delhi

Mirambika School, New Delhi by SHiFt: STUDIO FOR HABITAT FUTURE

Mirambika School, by SHifT Architects, is a ‘free progress’ school where the stress is on child-centric value-oriented education. There is a very light curriculum that is customized to each child, no strong subject divides, and no mainstream examination or testing – instead, there is continuous and ongoing feedback and evaluation. 

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Portrait in Concrete, Delhi, by Studio Archohm

Portrait in Concrete is a residence designed by Studio Archohm on a plot of land measuring 22 x 6 metres. The design responds to the adjacent ecosystem through its concrete form that addresses residential architecture through a play of light, volumes, and proportions.

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Palika Kendra Building by Kuldip Singh Architect

Independent India’s Architecture at 75: From the Past, Onto the Present

While the rich and dynamic history of Art and Architecture in India has always received admiration, little focus has been on appreciating that of post-independence. This article attempts to bridge this gap by crediting the past 75 years out of thousands of years of Indian Art and Architecture and paying homage to the constantly evolving Architectural landscape of Independent India.-Megha Pande | ArchitectureLive!

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