

Solar Decathlon India. ©

Competition | Solar Decathlon India

Solar Decathlon India, conducted by Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) and the Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE), is a competition for Indian student teams to design net-zero-energy-water buildings.

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FCA National Symposium 2022, Women in Architectural Practice

FCA National Symposium 2022, Women in Architectural Practice

FCA National Symposium 2022, Women in Architectural Practice – Symposium aims to highlight how women and gender minority architects have overcome their day-to-day challenges, professional or personal, to make a career in architectural practice. They have exercised agency in actively dismantling gender stereotypes at home, bringing qualities of care and empathy in the workplace and infusing architectural production processes with gender sensitivity, among others. In short, they have brought in humane qualities into practice without compromising on professionalism.

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Working with Louis Kahn (with Rabindra Vasavada and Bijoy Ramachandran)

Architect Bijoy Ramachandran speaks to Prof. Rabindra Vasavada, a celebrated practitioner, conservationist, teacher and historian about his time at the IIM Ahmedabad site office (where he started his career) from 1969 to 1972 working with Louis Kahn the American architect, who was commissioned to design the campus, and Prof. Anant Raje, the local architect in-charge. The time working with Lousi Kahn on the School (the Library, Faculty blocks, Classrooms and the Dorms) had a profound impact on Prof. Vasavada.

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Central Vista Redevelopment

Constitutional Conduct Group writes an Open Letter to Prime Minister of India on Central Vista Redevelopment Project

This project, from its very inception, has been marked by a degree of executive highhandedness rarely witnessed before. Whether it was in inviting design options, selecting consultants, holding fair and transparent stakeholder consultations, obtaining approvals of the institutions and authorities dealing with urban design, planning and environmental clearances – CCG

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