Thoughts, views and Ideas on architecture

Thoughts and views on architecture education and profession, contributed by the community of architects, students, educators and more.

All views expressed in this section are of the respective authors, and does not reflect the position of ArchitectureLive!

“Afghani, the wind is called Afghani” Mulling over Afghanistan in 2006 from just across the militarised border in Uzbekistan By Peeyush Sekhsaria | Design Dalda

“Afghani, the wind is called Afghani” Mulling over Afghanistan in 2006 from just across the militarised border in Uzbekistan by Design Dalda

At Tashkent, the Uzbekistan capital we board an amazing Soviet era YAK 40 (Yakoliv) for Termez. The plane smells of Vodka and has a public bus feel to it. No need to be careful about overhead luggage falling on to your heads, the Yak 40 has its total luggage space (both hand and check in baggage) at the back. You enter in from the tail. The pilot enters from the back after all passengers have boarded, you stand up in respect and sit down only after he has taken to his cabin. – Design Dalda

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A Pavilion that Grows!, at Gurugram, by Dhruv Shah

A Pavilion that Grows!, at Gurugram, by Dhruv Shah

The initial idea of imagining this pavilion started with the question “how to make sure that the given small area be utilised fully and be made multi-functional and modular, especially in accommodating the dynamic needs and activities of the urban lifestyle?” – Dhruv Shah

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Mobilizing new fundraising ideas - Charles Correa Foundation, Ar Tahir Noronha

Mobilizing new fundraising ideas – Tahir Noronha, Charles Correa Foundation

Goa based Architect Tahir Noronha, the current convenor at Charles Correa Fondation (CCF), shares his experience as the studio lead in facing the challenges of fundrasing during the pandemic. A virtual Z-Axis conference, a newsletter, a design competition and new fundraising initiatives are some highlights of CCF’s efforts during the pandemic. Efforts to sustain the fundraising lockdowns helped Tahir and his team of CCF fellows to keep up the urban engagement with the city of Panjim in Goa. Tahir also speaks of how he faced a new tray of responsibilites apart from the original mandate as the pnademic tranformed everyone’s work routines.

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Pedagogical exploration in architecture to increase quality of practice - Shantanu Poredi, Mobile Offices

Pedagogical exploration in architecture to increase quality of practice – Shantanu Poredi, Manisha Agarwal, Mobile Offices

Architects Shantanu Poredi and Manisha Agarwal higlighted how the pandemic has reflected their team’s sustained spirits by taking up new areas of work within architecture, while mainstream practice came to an unforeseen hiatus. The lockdown was also an opportunity for the architects to thrive on their potential with pedagogical exploartion, thanks to the growing number of remote teaching methods. The architects further emphasised that the team hung in together by focussing on the studio’s research in the state of Architectural Competitions around the world. Meanwhile, the lockdown was also a phase for emerging architects and graduates to equip new skills which would have otherwise appeared impossible.

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abin chaudhuri

Keeping up the momentum past the pandemic – Abin Chaudhuri, Abin Design Studio

Architect Abin Chaudhuri shares how his studio resumed soon after the severe lockdowns with the same vibrancy before the pandemic struck. Besides elaborating on his work processes, Abin asserts how work-from-home is never a good option in our industry. Furthermore, Abin shares some insightful learnings about work and life experienced by the team at Abin Design Studio, during the pandemic.

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