Proposal for Punjab National bank Head Quarters - Romi Khosla Design Studio

Proposal – Punjab National Bank Headquarters – New Delhi – By Romi Khosla Design Associates

Proposal for Punjab National bank Head Quarters - Romi Khosla Design Studio

The following content (text, images, illustrations and videos) for the project is provided by the design firm. 

Proposal for Punjab National bank Head Quarters - Romi Khosla Design Studio
The proposal for the new PNB headquarters is designed to provide the maximum floor plate efficiency possible for the functioning areas of the offices. This optimum design criterion it is achieved by locating the largest amount of functional areas in a six floor L shaped building placed on the East corner of the plot.

Proposal for Punjab National bank Head Quarters - Romi Khosla Design Studio

The L-shape strategy opens the site towards the main avenue, and protects the building against the worst sun orientations With this strategic design feature, the proposal for the new headquarters for PNB present a compact unitary building that enhances the inter-departmental connectivity and human interaction and at the same time makes available on the ground floor, an extensive area of the plot to be dedicated to relations with the public.

Proposal for Punjab National bank Head Quarters - Romi Khosla Design Studio

This customer-cum-investor plaza has been designed as an icon of the Bank. Its slopping plane serves as a sweeping canopy that is supported by a series of enclosed glazed spaces containing the Bank’s public Branch, some public meeting rooms, the staff gym and recreation area as well as all the servicing nodes that connect the public area with an auditorium for 250 people.

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