MRC Office at Chennai by Benny Kuriakose

MRC Office at Chennai by Benny Kuriakose

The office has many courtyards and internal verandas, which serve as a surprise element when entering form the entrance. It is a single storied structure, with traditional Tamil-Nadu pan tiles on the sloping roof. The roof is made of hollow box steel sections; no concrete has been used for the roof. Recycled doors and windows have been used. Many principles of sustainable architecture have been followed.
MRC Office at Chennai by Benny Kuriakose

MRC Office at Chennai by Benny Kuriakose

The office has many courtyards and internal verandas, which serve as a surprise element when entering form the entrance. It is a single storied structure, with traditional Tamil-Nadu pan tiles on the sloping roof. The roof is made of hollow box steel sections; no concrete has been used for the roof. Recycled doors and windows have been used. Many principles of sustainable architecture have been followed.

Project Facts
Project Name: MRC Office
Location: Chennai
Name of firm: Benny Kuriakose
Category: Office building
Project Status: Completed
Project Period: 15 months
Submission Type: Professional Submission

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