On April 15th 2023, CEPT Ahmedabad launched an exhibition, (de)Coding Mumbai- a documentation of Mumbai’s building codes and the evolution of the city’s housing fabric. Based on a study led by Sameep Padora of sP+a (Sameep Padora and Associates) and its research arm sPare, the ongoing exhibition at Lilavati Lalbhai Library, CEPT, will be open to all till July 17th 2023.

The exhibition presents a collection of 18 case studies exploring the chronological evolution of building regulations in Mumbai- first introduced in response to the plague of 1896. In the past century, with Mumbai’s emergence as a major metropolis, the city has observed a spurt of growth in terms of housing and its urban form. The exhibition is one half of (de)Coding Mumbai, the other being a book- together, they explore the trajectory of the city’s evolving housing fabric.

Tracing its interrelationships with socio-political and economic currents, both domestic and international, (de)Coding Mumbai attempts to make explicit the evolution of Mumbai’s physical form.