Book Launch: (de)Coding Mumbai | Sameep Padora

Authored by Sameep Padora and Shreyank Khemalapure as a co-author, (de)Coding Mumbai documents the evolution of Mumbai's housing fabric and its regulations.

On Saturday, April 15th, 2023, CEPT, Ahmedabad, launched the (de)Coding Mumbai Exhibition. Based on a documented study, the Exhibition shares its title with the book it is based on, authored by Sameep Padora of sP+a (Sameep Padora and Associates).

Through 18 case studies, the book attempts to document and analyze the trajectories of Mumbai’s building codes. Tracing its interrelationships with socio-political and economic currents both domestic and international, (de)Coding attempts to make explicit the making of Mumbai’s physical form.


(de)Coding Mumbai is available in hard-copy format and explores the evolution of Mumbai’s housing fabric and the building regulations that guide them. It is an in-depth study of the demographic shaping the regulations, which in turn have shaped the city’s urban form.

The book is published by CEPT University Press, and authored by Mumbai-based Architect Sameep Padora, with Architect Shreyank Khemalapure as a co-author and architects Aayushi Joshi and Tanushree Agrawal as the editors.

(de)Coding Mumbai is now available on Amazon.

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