Attendance - Annie

Marks, attendance, Shahrukh Khan and more.. everything that Annie has to offer to architecture students

Attendance - Annie

If you are an architect or architecture student, we are sure you must have watched “In which Annie Gives It Those Ones..” The award winning film based on the life of architecture students at School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi.

“In which Annie..” is a telefilm, which was conceived and written by Arundhati Roy, who played Radha’s role in the movie. Pradip Krishen directed the film and Arjun Raina played the lead role of Annie. While architecture students will relate to every scene in the movie, this post focusses on some issues of grave importance, that students of architecture will instantly relate to. Marks, attendance and more.. have fun!

  • Marks, marks and marks

Of course, we do not want you to spend your 10-15 years learning architecture at your “school”. Actual learning happens outside, and for that you must get out of your school, at least with passing marks. But remember..this dialogue from movie..where students perfectly nail it..

Marks - Annie

  • Attendance: When even death is not an excuse!

Sleep can wait, so can your breakfast, and its okay if you haven’t bathed for last 15 days.. make sure you make it to your class on time.. and meet the minimum required attendance.. 😉

Attendance - Annie

Attendance - Annie

  •  Shit Happens: and usually on the day of your review or jury

Heard of Murphy’s law? Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong..your model will break, dog will eat your sheets, your computer will crash.. anything can happen..and it will happen on that particualr day, when you have a FINAL JURY!.. So, be prepared!

Shit Happens - Annie

  • Teachers are everything..

Teachers - Annie

While many teachers will say, ‘work for yourself and think original..’, you’ll hardly be left with any room for thinking, leave alone times, you have to just give up and do what your teachers want..

make teachers happy - Annie

Because they are the ones, who decide your grades. But there’s a good news, your grades don’t decide your future. 😉

  • Who does the real rendering? You? LOL!

You spend nights on those sheets, you meticulously decide on the paper quality, pen thicknesses, shades of colour.. but hey!, final touches are always given by your professor.. so wait for your review.

Rendering - Annie!

  • Sleep? Dream on!

You are allowed to dream, day dream.. but sleep is luxury when you are an architecture student.

Sleep - Annie

Sleep - Annie

  • Things won’t remain same.. and high chances it would get better.

    Whhatt-Shahrukh Khan - Annie

Shahrukh Khan, well, we all know him, was also a part of the movie. Can you believe that credits to Shahrukh Khan were given in the end, in “Other Students” category..? See the image below. There is a message there: things won’t remain same, and high chances that it would only get better, and BIGGER. Have faith! 🙂

Shahrukh Khan

And yes, Happy Independence Day to all..

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