Dean D Cruz Architect

Architect Dean D Cruz Receives a Threat from Goa’s TCP Minister, Architects object to the statement

Architects from Goa object to Goa's TCP Minister, Mr. Vishwajit Rane for his statement against architect Dean D Cruz
Dean D Cruz Architect

In an incidence, which should shock the architecture fraternity not just in Goa, but across India, Goa’s TCP minister Mr. Vishwajit Rane has accused architect Dean D Cruz of fraud and threatened him of blacklisting and not sanctioning any of his proposals.

Mr. Vishwajit Rane also accused architect Dean D’Cruz of misleading the panel members for his personal gains. He shared,

“Even today I will stand with my statement that the State Level Committee was a scam. There were people, who call them civil society members…they say their heartbeat for Goa…I will name Dean D’Cruz…he is a big fraud…a non-Goan who was part of SLC…He misused the power…misled the committee members for his personal gains,” From OHeraldO, Goa

The architectural community in Goa has expressed their strong disapproval of Mr. Vishwajit Rane’s statement. They are planning to approach Mr. Pramod Sawant, the Chief Minister of Goa, in order to take the appropriate steps to protect the interests of professionals. A letter, signed by several architects, outlines these concerns. It mentioned,

“Our fear is not only restricted to architects but to every citizen of the state that must deal with government agencies from time to time. For today if such behaviour is acceptable from the TCP minister, tomorrow Goa will descend to a point of utter lawlessness where each minister acts as a monarch and dictator, with no disregard for rules and regulations, as he presides over his department.

The threats on the assembly floor challenge the very foundation of our democratic principles, on a stage provided by democracy. Sir please note that the rights entailed by assembly privilege bring with them a duty to not discriminate against others who cannot defend themselves on the floor of the house. On behalf of the community of architects, we request that you ask the hon. Speaker to expunge the comments of the minister from the record of the house. Keeping these statements will weaken the faith that our profession has on the Town Planning system and the government of Goa, and could end up costing Goa a lot of development potential.”

Speaking on this issue, Prof. AGK Menon shared,

“The agency of architects have been progressively eroding. The Supreme Court has opined that an architect is not required to design buildings; the politician determines what and how urban development should take place, majorly seen in the case of Central Vista Redevelopment, Vishwanath dham in Varanasi and Mahakaal precinct in Ujjain, among many other more ubiquitous projects throughout the country; civic administrators and Engineer HODs of public building departments; developers, et al, now instruct architects on what they should do; but now, this is the last straw in the progressive destruction of the idea of professional role in spatial development: an arrogant politician threatening to ‘punish’ Dean D’Cruz. They are all part of the eviscerating narrative of the architectural profession in post-Independence India. The architect is, of course, often complicit in this process. They have not risen up to the challenges, and more regrettably, the CoA seems impotent to fulfil their legal, moral, or simply pragmatic mandate.”

The full copy of the draft letter, which is being circulated among architects, can be accessed on the link below:

The copies of the letter are also being sent to the Council of Architecture, Indian Institute of Architects, and the Speaker, Vidhan Sabha, Goa, for their action against the Minister’s statement.

23 Responses

  1. शुद्ध बकवास.
    पत्र लिखने वालों ने कोई पुख्ता जानकारी नहीं ली.
    Architects Act 1972 को 1961 का बता रहे हैं.
    इस तरह के मामलों में कानूनी कार्रवाई की जानी चाहिए.
    विधानसभा में की गई टिप्पणी से विचलित हो कर पत्र लिखने की बजाय पहले विभाग की ओर से कारवाई की प्रतीक्षा कर लेते.
    Architects के खिलाफ कारवाई का हक सिर्फ CoA को प्राप्त है. अदालतों के निर्णय की प्रति भी पत्र के साथ होनी चाहिए थी.
    जल्दी बाजी में इस तरह के पत्र नहीं लिखने चाहिए.
    Ashok Goel Architect
    Ashok Dilliwala Show on YouTube.

  2. I express my solidarity with fraternity.
    It is basics to understand what is the ground for minister to make such a nasty statement.
    It will provide a fraternity a strength to the counter the opponent. We may go to court and file a suit for defamation against the minister. Open a front from various direction. Ultimate resolution would be tendering apology by a minister in the assembly and in the public. For that one should open a war of nerves. Remember We fraternity have to deal with crocodile.

  3. Agree with AR. Goel’s observation. Writing letter to departments and various offices mentioned lacks matured thinking and decision making. A hasty move.

  4. Being the matter was happened on the floor of the House, the representation should have made to the Hon’ble Speaker, not to the Hon’ble Chief Minister (copies might have sent for action from his side). It should have appealed to declare the stand of the House specifically on this matter and to conduct thorough enquiry on the accusation made against an Architect. If found fault on the Hon’ble Minister, the demand should be placed before the Hon’ble Speaker to take suitable action against the Hon’ble Minister and to nullify the accusation with suitable remedial action as provided in the Assembly Rules.

    1. The Ministers statement is detestable to say the least. Architects responsibility is restricted to ensure that the plants strictly confirm to the development controls/regulations prescribed for the area where the construction is proposed.

  5. I strongly Protest the statement given by the Hon Minister against Ar Dean D’Cruz.
    Ar Lalichan Zacharias

    1. I really don’t see the need to adress him as honorable.. If u heard him speak.. Ud understand

  6. Ar. Dean is a gentleman architect and the remarks made by Hon Minister should be withdrawn or expunged.

  7. I strongly protest what minister said against Ar. Dean D’cruz if he is not guilty… Actually COA should come out strongly in su-moto to take further appropriate action like IMA take for doctors, CA institute for CA & Bar council for Advocates… Let’s hope something positive will come out in favour of the architectural fraternity….Ar. Shyamkant Kulkarni

  8. Hand twisting by the govt authorities had been a regular practice in India. This must be stopped. And the whole architecture fraternity is facing this issue. Please correct 1961 to 1972. And please take all IIA bodies and CoA along.

    I strongly condemn the ministers statement.

    Kind regards

  9. A Town & Country Planning Dept Minister is disgruntled with the workings of the State Level Committee and alleges a scam. In it, while not using necessarily unparliamentary language, he singled out eminent and popular Architect Dean D’Cruz and threatened “blacklisting” as is the way of Govt. officials and contractors. Why the outrage? I can imagine someone being upset at the word “blacklisting”, but as a client, he may have the right to be upset over something we know nothing of. The letter is just stupidly written… passionate, but stupid. They should have just directed the Minister to raise complaint through due process with the Council of Architecture, and the COA appointed committee would have heard the issue and deemed is there is any merit in professional malpractice. The rights of both Client and Architect must be protected by law. We all may love Dean and hate Politicians, but there needs to be due process in this dialogue as a community of Architects and Indians, and not just passionate chest-beating.

    1. I thought the exact same way while reading this. A charitable way of thinking would be that this article is poorly written and doesn’t give the whole picture.

  10. I am an ordinary teacher but l strongly oppose what the minister has said about Architect Dean DCruz . It’s very true that the developers are overtaking the planning of the country all leading to destruction …..

  11. Ar Dhananjay Joshi
    Nandurbar Maharashtra

    This matter and statements shall be analysed by the COA authorities connected with member of legislative assembly and concerning desk officer representating GOA VIDHANSABHA

    The statements and the issue which GOA MINISTER has expressed in Assembly shall be checked from both the sides
    Why he has passed such statement
    Is this the personal issue within minister and concerned architect by minister and as well as by architect side also .

  12. Hope strict n stringent action will b taken on the minister, so that in future no body dares to do like this.

  13. Dean’s level of honesty is quite evident in his approach to architecture itself. He has throughout been passionate and innovative. I seriously condemn the baseless allegations made.

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