Council of Architecture, India gets a new President

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Council of Architecture, India,  got its new President, Prof. Uday Gadkari today by way of elections.

Prof. Uday Gadkari. President, Council of Architecture, India.
Prof. Uday Gadkari.
President, Council of Architecture, India

A short biography of Prof. Uday Gadkari:

President, Council of Architecture, India

Commissioner: PACE 2012

Director, IDEAS (Institute of Design Education & Architectural Studies), Nagpur

Chairman- Board of Advisors, ARCHIPIDIA

Principal of Priyadarshini College of Engineering & Architecture, Nagpur
Sr. Faculty at V-NIT Nagpur

Following is the list of the Members of the Executive Committee, Council of Architecture, New Delhi:

Ar. Prakash Deshmukh [IIA elected representative]
Ar. Alok Ranjan [IIA elected representative]
Ar. Mala Mohan [Min. of Defence representative]
Ar. Kiran S Mahajani [elected amongst Heads of Architectural Institutions]
Ar. Rajiv Mishra [AICTE representative]

3 Responses

  1. I hope that Council does recognizes Masters and MSc done in field of Architecture… for 1 or 2 years… Msc In Energy Efiicient & Sustainable Building has essential to do with Architecture and most importantly to do with buildings being energy efficient…. Sir i hope you can look into the matter..

  2. in view of govt. administration architects and civil engineers are being recognised at par.atleast this the situation in maharashtra.Earlier engineers were restricted to do architectural practice beyound certain area limits. inspite of several instructions by state and central govts. many non qualified persons are calling themselfs as architects.council of architecture needs to play a positive roll in this situation

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