Ann and Rebecca's House at Bangalore by Biome Environmental Solutions

Ann and Rebecca’s House at Bangalore, by Biome Environmental Solutions

Ann and Rebecca are two sisters who had a 106’ x 70’ plot in Indiranagar. They wanted to build a house each for themselves and a third one for rent. Additionally, they wanted two quarters for the household helps.
Ann and Rebecca's House at Bangalore by Biome Environmental Solutions

The following content (text, images, illustrations and videos) for the project is provided by the design firm. 

Name of the project: Ann and Rebecca’s house, by Biome Environmental Solution
Indiranagar, Bangalore, India
Year of completion: 2016
Design Team: Chitra Vishwanath, Sharath Nayak, Camille Pierre Behaghel, Maitri Dore, Ramya Ramesh, Aanal Mehta
Consultants: Mesha Structural Consultants
Contractors: Manjunath Rao Pawar
Photo Credits: Vivek Muthuramalingam

Ann and Rebecca's House at Bangalore by Biome Environmental Solutions

Ann and Rebecca are two sisters who had a 106’ x 70’ plot in Indiranagar. They wanted to build a house each for themselves and a third one for rent. Additionally, they wanted two quarters for the household helps.

The plots on the South and North were apartments of which the balconies overlooked our site. The plot on the north was at a higher level than our site and had a 8’ high blank compound wall. Anything built on that side would have afforded privacy at the level of the ground floor. Given this, it was decided to develop a garden on this edge and have the entrances to all the units on the South side. All the units are entered from the South through a courtyard. Most of the service spaces too are placed on the Southern edge of the building. These and the courtyards ensure privacy to the two houses. The rental unit is on the first floor and the helps quarters at the back of the site.

The building is a framed structure with infill walls of stabilized mud bricks. The roofing system is of alternate bays of brick vaults and flat RCC roofs with skylights. The entire building has floors of polished Kota stone.

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