Promising Architectural Practices of India

Sameep Padora and Associates, Mumbai

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As a practice, we at Sameep Padora and Associates believe that India’s vast breadth of socio-cultural environments require multifarious means of engaging with the country’s varying contexts. Type, Program, Design and Building processes are subservient to the immediacy of each project’s unique frame of reference. The studio’s approach hence is to look to context as a repository of latent resources connecting production process and network’s, appropriating techniques beyond their traditional use while allowing them to evolve and persist not just through preservation but more so through evolution. Our practice questions the nostalgia involved with the static ‘museumification’ of craft and tradition as well as the nature of what today comprises the ‘regional’ in contexts amplified by their place in global and regional networks. This attitude enables the practice to look at traditional project types, projecting their formal / relational history within the paradigms of current socio-economic forces. The studio structure actively engages with research, collaborations and collective models of practice not as isolated individual formats but as symbiotic streams feeding into each other. We advocate this hybrid model as an alternative to the traditional architectural practice, believing that this enables us to respond to the specificity of the local by evolving methodologies of extreme subjectivity.

Key works by Sameep Padora and Associates

Sameep Padora and Associates, Mumbai 1
Zira, Housing Project


Sameep Padora and Associates, Mumbai 3
Aatam, Hostel in Kota


Sameep Padora and Associates, Mumbai 5
Fort House, Hyderabad

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