55th Annual NASA Convention

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ArchitectureLive! is proud to be associated with the 55th Annual NASA Convention, which will be held at Gateway College of Architecture, Sonepat in January 2013. ArchitectureLive! will provide NASA with aggressive online campaigning, registration support and their online presence.
55th Annual NASA Convention 1
Image Courtesy: NASA, India

What is NASA?
(Text courtesy: www.nasaindia.info)

The National Association of Students of Architecture, commonly referred to as NASA, is one of the largest communities of architectural students in Asia. Over 120 colleges of the architectural community are members of this organization.  NASA provides an interactive platform for students all over the country by holding conventions both at the national and zonal levels. Colleges all over India compete for prestigious trophies, which cover various aspects of architecture. We strive to provide assistance to society through the ideas that develop during the convention. The ideas that materialize during this conglomeration are also used to provide technical assistance to the economically backward sections.  This year NASA will witness participation from various colleges in countries under SAARC. Architects across the SAARC nations will have an opportunity to interact with each other and come up with productive solutions.
The event website and registration will be made available soon. Keep watching!

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