The Smart Artist

The Smart Artist, A Working Guide For Creative Professionals By ArtBuzz Studio

The Smart Artist, A Working Guide For Creative Professionals By ArtBuzz Studio
The Smart Artist

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The Smart Artist, A Working Guide For Creative Professionals By ArtBuzz Studio 1

Info about the book

Kick-start your creative career with The Smart Artist, a storehouse of information which will help you navigate the art world and make it work in your favor! Learn what an art school doesn’t teach you like

  • How to write an artist’s statement
  • How to manage income and taxes
  • Be aware of your legal rights as an artist
  • Selling your works through a gallery
  • How to use social media to further your career
  • As a creative professional, what do you do next?

All this and many more practical guidelines!

By the end of it, you’ll know exactly how to build a body of work, approach prospective employers the right way, read interviews by industry professionals where they talk about their journeys, among many other things. This is all you need to be a successful artist!

What’s in the book?

The Smart Artist is a storehouse of information that cankickstart your career and help you achieve a better understanding of the art world. In this book you will read six chapters that cover different areas of being a creative professional.

CHAPTER 1. Becoming a smarter artist

This focuses on how to be an artist, which allows someone to be considered an artist, how to sustain discipline, etc.

CHAPTER 2. Navigating the art market

Helps you to find out how tell your work through a gallery after being so

CHAPTER 3. How do you promote art?

Learn how to promote your art, on the brand building lines, contributed by Flint Culture.

CHAPTER 4. Know your rights

Learn This chapter allows you to learn what are the rights of an artist, focusing on copyright issues etc.

CHAPTER 5. How to manage your art

As a creative professional do you really know how to manage your income and taxes?

CHAPTER 6. Furthering your practice

Life outside the classroom is hard for creative professionals. Learn the tricks of your trade. Basic knowledge about residencies, exhibitions etc.

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