Hall of Nations, New-Delhi / 1971-72 Architect: Raj Rewal Structural Engineer: Mahendra Raj

Raj Rewal – The Hall of Nations Complex

Hall of Nations, New-Delhi / 1971-72 Architect: Raj Rewal Structural Engineer: Mahendra Raj

The following content (text, images, illustrations and videos) for the project is provided by the design firm. 

The Hall of Nations Complex at Pragati Maidan is facing a threat of demolition by the Government of India. Many people, not limited to architects have opposed this decision by the government, and have appealed to government to preserve this iconic modern building and put it to resuse.

An online petition to save the Hall of Nations can be found here. Please sign and share the petition, if you haven’t already.

At an ongoing exhibition of photographs of architectural design and structural drawings of the Hall of Nations Complex, at India International Centre, New Delhi, Raj Rewal spoke about the landmark building, and why we all shall be concerned about its proposed demolition. Video below:

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