pk.iNCEPTiON, Maharashtra


Note: The contents below are published as provided by the architect/designer.

The ultimate existence of architecture can go beyond function and comfort. It can inspire people. Though we always have limited time, buildings with meaning can change the world and we should not settle for anything less.

To move a person and inspire, architecture should grow and adapt to change and time and need. It should be timeless. This can only be achieved with the manifestation of a significant idea.

An Architect’s role is to be analytical and plant an idea that grows with time, user and changing briefs.

Along with the above-stated beliefs, our practice is mainly driven by the idea of generic essence. Every project is a challenge to search for the rooted values within context, user and brief- the purpose is to find its gene before advancing towards the physical manifestation. Further, the user’s identity and aspirations for the future are approached, while the architecture’s physical identity comes about as the amalgamation of the entire thought process.

I can state that the practice of pk.iNCEPTiON is based upon the enquiry of the root cause and bridging gaps, through meaningful creation which remains generic in nature, yet retains the essence of time, place and user. In this way, the idea proposed becomes the inception of the architecture and its behaviour.

Pooja Khairnar

About the Founder

Pooja Khairnar is an architect, designer and educator, working on the ideology of responding to projects contextually. She believes that architecture has a responsibility and an essential impact on every aspect of society. She is the Founder and Principal Architect of the multidisciplinary practice, Studio pk.iNCEPTiON since 2014.

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