Indian National War Museum International Competition - 2016 - Horizon Design Studio

Indian National War Museum International Competition – 2016 – Horizon Design Studio

The design for the museum is based on an intuitive and sympathetic approach to the context and nature of Central (Lutyen's) Delhi. The design is influenced by Delhi's vivid history, glorious architectural heritage, and its vibrant character.
Indian National War Museum International Competition - 2016 - Horizon Design Studio

The following content (text, images, illustrations and videos) for the project is provided by the design firm. 

Project Location: New Delhi, India
Design Team: Horizon Design Studio – Sunil Yadav, Anil Yadav
Drafting: Sanjay Kumar, Rahul Kumar
Illustration: Potsangbam, Anandibala
Project Status: Proposal / Idea / Unbuilt

Design Concept
The design for the museum is based on an intuitive and sympathetic approach to the context and nature of Central (Lutyen’s) Delhi. The design is influenced by Delhi’s vivid history, glorious architectural heritage, and its vibrant character. The armed forces’ rich past – dating back several millennia – has been assimilated into the design by usage of robust materials (Dholpur Stone and white exposed concrete), colossal volume, and symmetry of form.

Indian National War Museum - Horizon Design Studio The proposed design constitutes ‘two replicated linear concrete blocks connected by a smaller glass box sitting on a large platform/plinth facing India Gate’. The symmetrical volumes are juxtaposed with the vernacular design of Delhi, influenced by previous rulers such as Mughals and Rajputs, as well as the Indo-Saracenic style.

Indian National War Museum - Horizon Design Studio
Location plan in context with Rajpath and Rashtrapati Bhavan
Indian National War Museum - Horizon Design Studio
Master Plan
Indian National War Museum - Horizon Design Studio
Site plan with surrounding context

The design approach takes into serious consideration the existing surrounding landscape and built character, and offers an engaging experience by encouraging visitors at India Gate, Central Vista, Copernicus Marg and Tilak Marg to flow into the complex through multiple levels & entries, making it a truly public building offering a mix of indoor & outdoor spaces. The symmetrical layout, the singular design approach and the incorporated architecture elements (raised plinth, domes and columns) makes the building iconic.

Indian National War Museum International Competition - 2016 - Horizon Design Studio

Atrium/Public Space

On the front side of the façade is a large, rectangular, free-standing concrete wall with a bronze  ‘Ashoka Chakra’ embedded into the wall – depicting the continuity of India and her armed forces’ rich history’ through an element of the national emblem. Behind this screen wall is the recessed entrance to the largest volumetric space of the building; the massive atrium features a generous common public space.

Indian National War Museum - Horizon Design Studio
Main atrium looking towards rear end of the building from ground level

The central atrium, with multiple timber-clad grand staircases, connects various levels; their centralized location minimizes the effective length of the linear corridors, and reduces the walking time for the visitors in the 20,000 sq.m exhibition space. The grand staircases also serve as a prominent architectural element.

Indian National War Museum - Horizon Design Studio
Main concourse looking towards the main entrance of the building from second level

The auditorium also features a landmark linear dome, half of which is made of glass to admit natural light. Similarly, he glass curtain wall on the northern edge of atrium brings in uninterrupted northern/eastern light.

The raised plinth/terrace allows the visitor to walk on all four sides of the building at the upper ground level, and makes the museum an intelligent functional space without any rear or front in essence.


The rear public garden and landscaped alameda is meant to host several military-specific installations and statues of war heroes. Set against the backdrop of the existing lush, tree-dominated, peaceful setting at the rear, an open amphitheatre has been designed at the north-west corner of the museum, with the raised plinth/terrace as the stage and the cladded wall acting as a screen; the approach is responsive towards the existing landscape as well as the proposed building, and seeks to engage the community.


The structure consists of a concrete column grid, with walls cast in-situ. The dome has a metallic frame cladded with stone on the western side, and glass panels to the east. The stairs are proposed as concrete in-situ cladded with timber.

Indian National War Museum International Competition - 2016 - Horizon Design Studio

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