Honeymoon Inn, Mandi, Rahoul Singh | Lakshmi Chand Singh – RLDA Studio

Honeymoon Inn, Mandi, Rahoul Singh | Lakshmi Chand Singh - RLDA Studio 1

Honeymoon Inn, Manali Destination hotels at Manali, Shimla and Mussouri, that vary in size from 40 rooms to 100 rooms. Modern, efficient and associated with leisure, these hotels have restaurants, cafes, entertainment centers, business facilities and a variety of room options. The property itself is about 20 years old, our firm was brought in to give the place a complete makeover in the common areas as well as the bedrooms. The material palette was specifically chosen to give a rustic hill feel to the lounge and dining areas, with liberal use of local stone as dry ?dhajji? wall and locally available deodar wood cladding on walls. Wooden rafter cladding on the sloping roofs in the bedrooms add to the mountain cottage feel, Wherever possible, lofts were provided to convert rooms into suites. The basement entertainment lounge was opened up on one side to let plenty of light and air in. Bright colours and cloth cladding were used to give the space a bright funky feel.

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