ICHH 2018 - Rizvi College of Architecture


This International Conference is organised by the International Association for Humane Habitat (IAHH). Rizvi College of Architecture (RCA) has been hosting these annual conferences for the last nineteen years in a row in association with Council of Architecture, World Society for Ekistics, Commonwealth Association of Architects, Maharashtra Chapter of The Indian Institute of Architects, Practicing Engineers Architects and Town Planners Association, Indian Association of Schools of Architecture, Maharashtra Association of Schools of Architecture, Forum of Colleges of Architecture and University of Mumbai.
ICHH 2018 - Rizvi College of Architecture

ICHH 2018 - Rizvi College of ArchitectureIt’s a crisp December morning and the energy at Rizvi College of Architecture, Mumbai is charged as they gear up to host the 20th International Conference on Humane Habitat at their campus in Bandra (W), Mumbai from Jan 30 to 1 Feb 2018.

This International Conference is organised by the International Association for Humane Habitat (IAHH). Rizvi College of Architecture (RCA) has been hosting these annual conferences for the last nineteen years in a row in association with Council of Architecture, World Society for Ekistics, Commonwealth Association of Architects, Maharashtra Chapter of The Indian Institute of Architects, Practicing Engineers Architects and Town Planners Association, Indian Association of Schools of Architecture, Maharashtra Association of Schools of Architecture, Forum of Colleges of Architecture and University of Mumbai. Rizvi is the probably the only architecture college in the country holding such international conferences consistently for such a long period annually. This platform is used to raise, discuss and debate burning issues regarding sustainability, environmental concerns, affordable housing, transport and humane architecture at a global level.

ICHH 2018 - Rizvi College of Architecture

This year the theme of the conference deals with ‘Evolving Humane Habitats in Rural, Urban and Regional Contexts’. It focuses on the issues of affordability, appropriateness, sustainability, resilience and innovation in planning and the need to evolve guidelines for a sustainable and humane future in different societal and environmental contexts. The sub-themes deal with the theories and philosophy of planning, designing and innovation in humane habitats, programmes and projects for transformation of rural areas, small and middle scale towns, metropolitan regions and cities and conservation and management of affordable housing.

To mark its 20th year, the conference is starting as a month-long festival with the theme being integrated at various levels with the academic activities including documentation of rural settlements, sustainable building and mapping activities, exhibitions and hands on work. This activity culminates into three power packed days of seminars and discussions with academicians, environmental scientists and practicing architects from different parts of our country and various parts of the globe as they explore diverse aspects of the issues that we face in our cities, towns, villages and beyond.

We look forward to whole hearted participation from students and faculty from other colleges, practicing architects and all likeminded individuals as we come together to make a positive difference to habitats, architecture and our only home – Mother Earth.

Glimpses of a few speakers who will present their works and research papers at the 20th International Conference on Humane Habitat to be held at Rizvi College of Architecture from 30 Jan to 1 Feb 2018. We look forward to enriching ourselves through their journey towards a humane habitat and a sustainable world. Join us at ICHH 2018 for this and more.

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