March 19, 2021

Rahoul B singh

Ranjit Sabikhi’s Reflections on Evolution of Delhi’s Space Offer a Window Into Urban Design

Ranjit Sabikhi, the author of the book, A Sense of Space, The Crisis of Urban Design in India, belongs to that generation of architects and urban designers who have witnessed the transformation of the Indian city from the years immediately after Independence to the mega-metropolis that we now inhabit. In New Delhi, his city of residence for the last six decades, Sabikhi has, through both the written word and the built work, drawn from and commented on, the complexity of India’s historical and contemporary urban agglomerations.

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Rejuvenation of Howard Plaza - The Fern, Agra, India, by ConceptSG Ltd

Rejuvenation of Howard Plaza – The Fern, Agra, India, by ConceptSG Ltd

Rejuvenation Project such as the Howard Plaza is perhaps a glimpse into the fate of many buildings in the near future. (fig 1)  As countries develop, new builds seem to pop up everywhere, but once this brown field development starts to saturate and the economic growth stagnates, these buildings need to be revitalised. This is a sustainable solution, in-fact multitude of buildings in London are allowed to be rejuvenated with additional area(FAR) to attract investors. Whilst on the other hand functions are redefined at times when churches have been taken over by nightclubs and a crude example of Detlev Rohwedder House of berlin, the largest building in the world in1936, changed from an aviation ministry (under the Nazi), to houses of ministries (as east Germany) and stands as the finance ministry today. – ConceptSG

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Rejuvenation of  Dilli Kali Badi by concept SG

Rejuvenation of Dilli Kali Badi, by conceptSG Ltd

A lady in a pink saree and a mauve shawl was sat in front of a large sculpted wall, soaking the winter sun with her head bowed. Strangely enough, there are many spaces around this public place designed to relax, but she chose a spot that was not intentionally designed for seating. As architects, we design spaces for use, yet there are uses such as this which is hard to comprehend but it exists as a result of something else. In this particular case it happens to be the Rejuvenation project of the oldest Kali Badi Complex at Mandir Marg, New Delhi

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