Architecture Brio, Mumbai
Future Trajectories: Architecture Brio, Practice recommended by Arya Architects
Future Trajectories: Architecture Brio, Practice recommended by Arya Architects
The site of the Mumbai Artist Retreat on the other side of the Mumbai Bay, designed by Architecture Brio, is typical in that respect. Since it is relatively difficult to get to, it still has a rural, agricultural character. More so in contrast to the rest of Mumbai it still has somewhat of a shoreline to speak of. Here, the Mumbai Artist Retreat intends to become a place where artists can work in a spacious, natural environment. A place that is away from the heavy physical and psychological demands of the global metropole. However, with the skyline of Mumbai across the bay, it still feels connected with the city.
The Biodiversity Training Institute aims to strengthen biodiversity conservation activities and forest management capacity.
ARCHITECTURE AND BUTTERFLIES Butterflies are highly sensitive to weather and climate, this makes them excellent indicators of climate change. It is this sensitivity which we need
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