Rahoul B. Singh

Rahoul B singh

Ranjit Sabikhi’s Reflections on Evolution of Delhi’s Space Offer a Window Into Urban Design

Ranjit Sabikhi, the author of the book, A Sense of Space, The Crisis of Urban Design in India, belongs to that generation of architects and urban designers who have witnessed the transformation of the Indian city from the years immediately after Independence to the mega-metropolis that we now inhabit. In New Delhi, his city of residence for the last six decades, Sabikhi has, through both the written word and the built work, drawn from and commented on, the complexity of India’s historical and contemporary urban agglomerations.

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Central Vista Redevelopment - Rahoul Singh

Off The Cuff: Have We Lost Our Vista? – Interim Thoughts On A Work In Progress – Rahoul B. Singh

As a nation we are about to embark on democratic India’s most symbolic project – the re-development of New Delhi’s central vista. The central vista and it’s precinct is approximately three kilometre long and stretches from Rahstrapati Bhawan on the west to India Gate on the east. The redevelopment of this tract of land and other land parcels adjoining it will cost the exchequer upwards of Rs. 20,000 crore and is being undertaken to commemorate 75 years of India’s Independence in 2022. Other objectives of the project include increasing the productivity and efficiency of the government and expanding and improving the quality of public space that falls within its immediate precinct. – Rahoul B. Singh

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