The Practice
The Guild and the Gurukul both emphasise a culture of constantly being in the presence of the master; witnessing his method, in fact his life, to discover the source of inspiration. This Traced Prasanna’s transformation under his apprenticeship under Ar.Girish Doshi for twelve years. In 2007, Prasanna Morey established studio madhushala, with a manner suffused with inherited stance of fearlessness towards uncertainty which he learnt from his guru. He strongly believes that architecture is not simply the manipulation of forms but also the creation of space and above all, the construction of a ‘place’ that serves as the foundation for space’. In all of his works, light is decisive in forming space; believing light is what awakens architecture to life.Divya jyoti has joined PMA.madhushala in 2010 and finds herself very much in line with the philosophy of madhushala. She also founded ‘Rubai by madhushala’ in 2016. Rubai is about reminiscing architectural great works, through designing products that find inspiration from architecture and illustrate their stories by symbolizing or by abstract interpretation of their forms, shapes, details, and other defining features.
Studio Madhushala
Our open-ended practice drives with a philosophy of the work that is instilled by nature and based on research and experiments and attempts to redefine this eulogy ‘modern’ and blend that ‘modern’ with the essence of ‘bygone era’. We experiment with a language divided into lines, planes, and volumes with light, textures, authentic materials with available budget and context extending the idea of impermanence into work. We also strongly believe that architecture is not simply the manipulation of forms, it is also the creation of space and above all, the construction of a ‘place’ that serves as foundation for space. In all of my works, light is decisive in forming space which awakens architecture to life.
Founders at PMA MAdhushala

Key works by PMA Madhushala