“Data? What’s that?” – The Council of Architecture’s Hilarious (and Alarming) RTI Response

In an RTI response, the Council of Architecture makes a shocking revelation that they do not maintain the data of admissions in architecture schools.


Important Update:

The following article is being appended with the full RTI query and the Council of Architecture’s response to the same. This is as per the CoA’s letter recently received by us, and our response to the same. The details of the CoA’s letter to us and our response can be READ HERE.

The Council of Architecture (CoA), the official watchdog of architectural education in India, just made a jaw-dropping confession: “We don’t maintain basic data about admissions in architecture schools. Please don’t ask.”

Okay, they didn’t say it exactly like that, but their RTI response came pretty close. When asked for a simple record of admissions in the last few years, to architecture schools across the country, the CoA essentially said:

“Sorry, we’d love to help, but gathering this information would be too much work and might crash our entire system. Like, completely.”

Wait…what? Isn’t maintaining this data part of their job description? Imagine a librarian telling you they don’t know where the books are because organising them would take too much time. Or an architect saying they don’t bother keeping track of drawings of a building they designed.

Screenshot of RTI response by the Council of Architecture
Response to the RTI by the Council of Architecture.

Why This Is Funny (and Not in a Good Way)

The CoA’s reply is the kind of comedy gold we didn’t ask for but can’t ignore:

  • They admit they don’t have basic records of the schools and students they’re supposed to regulate.
  • They claim pulling this data together would “bring all its day-to-day working to a standstill.” (Are we running a national council here or an overworked photocopy shop?)

Why This Is Actually Scary

Underneath the humour lies a chilling truth:

  • For researchers: Good luck trying to analyse trends or study architectural education in India. You’re flying blind.
  • For policymakers: Want to improve architectural education? Sorry, no data, no progress.
  • For the profession: Without records, accountability goes out the window, and reforms become a distant dream.

In short, the CoA’s response is the bureaucratic equivalent of “I didn’t do my homework because the dog ate it.” Except in this case, the dog might just be years of inefficiency.

Jokes aside, this incident highlights a serious need for reform. How can the body responsible for shaping the future of Indian architects, function without basic transparency? It’s time for the CoA to get its act together—or risk being the punchline of every architecture school joke.

This episode leaves one wondering what data the Council of Architecture does actually have apart from a directory of architects.

Because let’s face it: a profession that designs the future can’t afford to be stuck in the past.

Feature Image: India Habitat Centre

Full RTI Query below

Council of Architecture’s Response to the above queries

3 Responses

  1. I guess that CoA definitely is having data, but to give and not give to public and do the present time demands is still it’s discretion….donno why.

  2. Very interesting.
    ये तो होना ही था.
    बार बार मैं कहता रहा हूँ कि CoA के दफ्तर को बाबु चला रहे हैं. उन को न Architects से मोहब्बत है न architecture से.
    CoA के दफ्तर में CoA president और Vice president कब बैठते हैं किसी प्रकार की कोई सूचना CoA की website पर नहीं है.
    RTI Act की धारा 4 के अनुसार public authority की सभी जानकारियां website पर होनी चाहिए.
    CoA एक पब्लिक अथॉरिटी है.
    राजेश जी द्वारा मांगी गई जानकारी CoA की website पर उपलब्ध होनी चाहिए.
    इस में छुपाने का क्या है..
    Ashok Goel
    Delhi 110007

  3. पहले CoA का प्रेसीडेंट CoA का First Appellate Authority हुआ करता था.
    CoA का registrar इस का PIO था
    अब CoA का AO जो Adhoc Deputy registrar है वही PIO है.
    अब CoA president को दरकिनार कर के Registrar जी first appeal का फ़ैसला करने के लिए सक्षम हो गए हैं.
    CoA को प्राप्त होने वाली Applications और first appeals सब बाबु लोगों के हाथ में है.
    Ashok Goel
    Delhi 110007

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