At various levels, from the city to the institutions and from the neighbourhood to the dwelling, the ideal and the real about the social relationship between men and women is expressed in the built form. Cultural rules govern the use of space and codes regulate behaviour between genders.
One of the first publications to look at gender and the built environment this book examines the role of women as consumers and the creators of the built space and focuses particularly on India and parts of South Asia. The essays included here explore the gender perspective from various angles. They cover a wide range of issues such as domesticity and home, women labourers and construction work, the practice of architecture, education in general and in schools of architecture, women and leisure as well as women’s relationship to the public sphere and housing in the vernacular mode.
Book Facts:
Title – Gender and the built environment in India
Name of editor – Madhavi Desai
Name of the publisher – Zubaan, New Delhi (2007)
Number of pages – 350
Binding type – Hardcover
Availability – Hardcopy – out of print | Softcopy – Zubaan books
Image and Text provided by Madhavi Desai