BIBLIOGRAPHY – Jawaharlal Nehru’s thoughts and sayings on building a New India


  • NEHRU, Jawaharlal: An Autobiography, London, John Lane The Bodley Head, 1936.
  • Discovery of India, Bombay. Asia Publishing House, 1961.
  • India: Today & Tomorrow, Azad Memorial Lecture, 1959,
  • Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi, 1960.
  • Speeches, Volume 2 to 5, New Delhi, Publications Division, Government of India, 1958-68.
  • Speeches, Vol 2, 15, 5 New Delhi, Publication Division 1988.
  • Thoughts, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund New Delhi 1985.
  • Ali. Aruna Asaf (in association with GNS Raghavan). Private Face of A Public Person (A study of Jawaharlal Nehru) under the auspices of Nehru Memorial Museum & Library, 121 Radun Publishers. New Delhi. 1989.
  • Ali. Salim. The Fall of a Sparrow. Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1985.
  • Azad. Maulana Abul Kalam. India Wins Freedom. Orient Long man. Madras, 1959.
  • Brecher, Michael, Nehru. A Political Biography. Oxford University Press. London. 1959.
  • Chagla, M. Curimbhoy. Roses in December, An Autobiography Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1975.
  • Campbell Johnson. Allen, Mission with Mountbatten. Rabort Hale, London, 1959.
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  • Cultural Forum, Nehru Number 25. Ministry of Education, New Delhi, 1965.
  • Evanson, Norma, Chandigarh, University of California Press. Berkely. 1966.
  • Gopal Ram, The Trial of Nehru. Book Centre, Bombay, 1962.
  • Gopal, Sarvepalii (ed.). Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru. Volume 2, Series one, Orient Longman Ltd., New Delhi. 1972.
  • Gopal, Sarvepalli (ed.). Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Volume 3, Series one, Orient Longman Ltd., New Delhi, 1973.
  • Gopal Sarvepalli (ed.). Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru. Volume 5. Series one, Orient Longman Ltd., New Delhi, 1973.
  • Gopal, Sarvepalli (ed.). Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Volume 7. Series one. Orient Longman Ltd., New Delhi, 1975.
  • Gopal, Sarvepalli (ed.). Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru. Volume 14, Series one. Orient Longman Ltd., New Delhi, 1981
  • Gopal, Sarvepalli (ed.). Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series Volume 5. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, New Delhi, 1987.
  • Gopal. Sarvepalli (ed.). Jawaharlal Nehru. An Anthology. Oxford University Press. New Delhi, 1980.
  • Hangen. Welles. After Nehru Who? Ruport Hart-Davis: London 1963.
  • Hindustan Times, 1 January 1953.
  • Hindustan Times, 23 March 1955.
  • Hindustan Times, 6 September 1963.
  • Hutheesingh, Krishna Nehru. Nehru’s letters to His Sister. Faber & Faber. New Delhi, 1963.
  • Kalia. Ravi, Chandigarh: In Search of an Identity. Southern Illinois University Press, 1988.
  • Lok Sabha Debates. Monday. April 22, 1963.
  • Mathai, M.O.. Reminiscences of the Nehru Age, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 1978
  • Mende. Tibok. Conversations with Nehru. Martin Secker & War bung Ltd.. London, 1956.
  • Moraes, Frank. Jawaharlal Nehru. Jaico Publishing House Ltd. Bombay, 1959
  • Nanda, B.R.. The Nehru’s. Motilal and Jawaharlal. George Allen & University, London, 1962.
  • Nayar, Kuldip. India After Nehru. New Delhi. Vikas Publishing House. New Delhi, 1975.
  • Pandit. Vijaylaxmi, Scope of Happiness. Orient Paperback. Delhi, 1981
  • Publications Division. Jawaharlal Nehru, A Homage. Ministry of I & B. New Delhi, June 1964.
  • Parliamentary Debates, Volume IV. No. 2. Part II. Thursday. 31st July, 1952.
  • Parthasarathi, G.(ed.). Jawaharlal Nehru. Letters to Chief Ministers (1947-1964) Volume 1. Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, New Delhi. 1985.
  • Parthasarathi, G. (ed.), Jawaharlal Nehru. Letters to Chief Ministers (1947-1964), Volume 2, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, New Delhi, 1986
  • Parthasarathi, G. (ed.), Jawaharlal Nehru, Letters to Chief Ministers (1947-1964), Volume 3, Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund, New  Delhi, 1987.
  • Shecan, Vincent, Nehru: The Years of Power, Victor Gallaig London, 1960
  • Town Planning Organization. Work Studies, Preparation of Master Plan for Delhi, Delhi Development Authority, New Delhi, 1964
  • Tyabji, Badruddin, Memoirs of an Egoist. Volume 1: 1907-19, Roli Books, Delhi, 1988.
  • Zakaria, Dr. Rafiq. A Study of Nehru, Times of India Press, Bombay, 1959.

Credits: National Institute of Urban Affairs. | BIBLIOGRAPHY

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To read all the published thoughts by Jawaharlal Nehru on building a New India,

2 Responses

  1. Hi, I am looking for sources of this speech of Nehru: “Here we stand in Delhi city, symbol of old India and the new. It is not the narrow lanes and houses of old Delhi or the wide spaces and rather pretentious buildings of New Delhi that count, but the spirit of this ancient city. Delhi has been an epitome of India’s history with its succession of glory and disaster, and with its great capacity to absorb many cultures and yet remain itself. It is a gem with many facets, some bright and some darkened by age, presenting the course of India’s life and thought during the ages. Even the stones here whisper to our ears of the ages of long ago and the air we breathe is full of the dust and fragrance of the past as also of the fresh and piercing winds of the present. We face the good and bad of India in Delhi city which has been the grave of many empires and the nursery of a republic. What a tremendous story this is here; the tradition of millennia of our history surrounds us at every step, and the procession of innumerable generations passes by before our eyes.” — Nehru, Jawaharlal

    Please help. Thanks

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