Dikshu Kukreja, Managing Principal at CP Kukreja Architects, appointed as the Hon. Consul General for Albania in New Delhi

Dikshu Kukreja, Managing Principal of CP Kukreja Architects, becomes the first Indian architect appointed as the Honorary Consul General for the Republic of Albania in New Delhi.

Dikshu Kukreja, the Managing Principal of CP Kukreja Architects, has been appointed as the Honorary Consul General for the Republic of Albania in New Delhi. He is the first Indian architect to hold this distinguished diplomatic position.

Dikshu Kukreja, Managing Principal at CP Kukreja Architects, appointed as the Hon. Consul General for Albania in New Delhi 1
Dikshu Kukreja, Managing Principal of CP Kukreja Architects (left) with the Honourable Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama (right). Via Dikshu Kukreja/LinkedIn

The announcement was made by the Albanian Government, recognizing Dikshu Kukreja’s outstanding leadership, collaborative efforts, and substantial global impact in the field of architecture. As the Honorary Consul General, Dikshu Kukreja will serve as the official representative of the Albanian Government in India. His role will involve strengthening diplomatic ties and promoting cultural exchange between the two nations, thereby enhancing the relations between the two countries.

Speaking to ArchitectureLive!, Dikshu shared,

It is a great honor for me to have been chosen by Prime Minister Rama of Albania for this important role. As the Honorary Consul General of Albania, I am look forward to work on strengthening the relationship between our countries in various aspects, such as politics, economics, and cultural exchange. I am also enthusiastic about furthering collaborations in the fields of architecture and the built environment.

Dikshu received his B.Arch. Honours with a Gold Medal from the School of Planning & Architecture in New Delhi, India. He attended the prestigious Taliesin Fellowship at the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture in the USA and earned his Master of Architecture & Urban Design from Harvard University. He has lectured in many institutions and written for various newspapers on urban issues. He was also appointed as the Cultural Ambassador by the Government of Finland.

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